There are a few things you need to understand before purchasing our services. Although we guarantee complete removal from the site on which the content was originally posted, there are some limitations.

Can You Guarantee Removal Of All Negative Content About Me On The Internet?
Unfortunately, no. Although we guarantee that we will not charge your credit card prior to getting the content on the link you provide removed, we cannot and do not guarantee that you will not be posted on a site OTHER than the one you provide to us. The internet is a big place, and it’s always evolving; new sites pop-up every day. There’s a low barrier to entry and any pimply-faced teenager with a computer can easily put up a new “gripe” site and scrape content from existing ones. Unless and until we create a comprehensive technological tool to scour the web and remove all negative content about you, we cannot guarantee or warrant that the original poster will refrain from posting horrible things about you on other sites.
Can You Guarantee Removal Of The Content On ALL Sites On The Internet?
Again, the answer is unfortunately, no. We cannot and do not guarantee that the original content has not been “scraped” by another site that we do not deal with. What that means is when the original content posted on a site like, for example, thedirty.com, is live and available, another site—unconnected with thedirty.com—is able to “scrape” or copy that content onto its own site without the permission, authorization or consent of thedirty.com. Although it is frowned upon, scraping is perfectly legal unless the scraped content is somehow protected, like when the content is copyrighted, or the scraper uses some sort of illegal method to scrape the content.
Third, we cannot and do not guarantee that someone has not already taken a screenshot of the original post and re-posted on Facebook, Twitter or sites OTHER than the original site you were posted on. That is why we recommend protecting your Netutation™ by following the steps here, and also by removing negative content as quickly as you can. When negative posts are allowed to linger, they become harder to remove form the search engines and are more likely to end up being scraped and displayed on other sites.
Fourth, we have no control over the actions of the person who originally posted you on the site. Since we are not a law firm, and we have no power to legally restrain or prevent the original poster from posting false, negative comments or defamatory content about you on the same site in the future or at any time on other sites.
Fifth, much to our chagrin, we do not control Google, Bing, Yahoo! or the other search engines. We do submit changes to Google, but sometimes, in spite of our efforts, Google starts displaying the links to the original post again. If you click the link, the content is still removed, but for some reason Google still displays the link. We do not know why this happens; but when it does, just contact us and we will take the same steps to have the link removed again.
Remove negative links and content: does that mean you push it down on Google search results?
How long will it take before I see results?
I've hired you to remove negative content. What are the next steps?
What if you are unable to remove the negative content? Do I still have to pay?
Someone made a defamatory comment about me online that is untrue. Is this grounds for a court ordered removal?
Is there a way to find out who posted the negative content about me?
I have been mentioned in a negative news article. It appears on the first page of Google, but it’s not included in your list of removal sites. What do I do?
My business just received a bad review on Google Reviews. How can you help?
A high star rating and positive reviews means more people will choose your business, not your competitors. The good news is that we offer comprehensive software and services that will improve your ratings on Google Reviews, TripAdvisor, RateMDs, Facebook Reviews and many more reviews websites. Contact us to learn more about our Reviews Management services.
I’m very concerned about my presence on the web and want to know immediately if and when something negative about me appears. What do I do?